The beginning of my first blog ever! : ) Hooray!!
It might just be the most boring blog ever to read, at least for now, since my days are not the most exciting thing ever lately...but still, read away if you are bored enough. I can promise you, if nothing else, there will hopefully be at least one smiley face in each entry for your viewing pleasure.
River is already 7 weeks old. I can't say the time has flown by, because it has been a hard seven weeks, but it has been interesting and wonderful, too. I have been looking at pictures from when he was a brand new little boy and then comparing them to his most recent ones, and man has he grown!! It is hard for Cody and I to tell since we see him 24/7 unless we look at his old pics! You can see the difference in the pics above: the one on the top was when he was 6 wks 6 days old and the one below is when he was 2 days old, the day he came home from the hospital! What a little chunk! : ) My current favorite thing is when people look at him and politely (tactfully) comment on how "healthy" he's okay- you can say fat!! I know he is and he doesn't know it yet, and by the time he does, hopefully he will have outgrown his rolls! ;) For now they are cute, hehe.
My favorite thing he does right now! Other than that, it is smile. He started smiling purposfully a few weeks ago. He LOVES to smile anytime you lie him on his changing table. It is his favorite game, to just lie there and look out the window and coo. Melts our hearts every time! Other fun activities we do during his wake time include the Ceiling Fan Game- he could stare at all of them in our house for...minutes upon minutes (which is a long time w/ the attention span of an infant!). He has made friends with all of them in the house and his best-ceiling-fan-friend right now is the one in mom and dad's room. He also likes to be outside and swing w/ us on our front porch swing. Anytime he is outside he has started sticking his tongue out like crazy, I guess to taste the wind?! He also loves his horse mobile. And as of now he has rolled over 6 or 7 times...from his tummy to his back. He rolled over for the first time when he was 3 wks 6 days old...and he his currently working on sleeping longer at night. (Yay Riv!!!!) Last night he slept from 11pm til 4:40 am! I am super happy right now w/ anything that means just one feeding (aka one-getting-up-time) a night.
He really is a bundle of...well, right now, a bundle of fatty cuteness! Life is good and boring, and that is just fine for now. I am sure once he learns how to crawl it will get MUCH more exciting!!
I will try to get on and update this frequenlty for anyone who is bored enough to read it : ) Other than that it will at least serve for me as a way of keeping up with this time in his life.
Happy first day of Spring!! : )
1 comment:
wow he is getting bug.. we seriously have got to come and see ya'll.. right now frank has a cold, but once he is better we are coming I promise..
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