It has been a fun week so far. Fun, but laid back. : ) We took family pics down the street in our neighbors backyard Monday night. My parents and sister, brother n law and nephew were there, and Cody's parents, too. It went well and River did great but of course, he is only 2 months old! I think most 8 week old babies are pretty compliant most of the time, right? : ) It's when they turn 2 and think they run the world things will get a bit harder, hehe. Anyways, last night, Cody's great aunt Ann came in town to meet River so we all went out to eat at the new Bruno's. River does really well when he is outside, so we sat out on the patio and he was just fine! We got to enjoy our entire meal while he sat in his car seat listening to our conversation and watching the sky. I still rarely get out, so even something as simple as going to dinner and successfully making it through without River getting fussy is a huge thing to me! He has been working more on finding his thumb this week. I will turn on the monitor when he is napping and just watch him as he sucks on his hand during his sleep. So cute!! He is still sleeping about 5.5 hours at night, then waking up to eat, then sleeping til we get him up at 7:30. The other night when he slept for 7 hours still remains to be a fluke, but we are still hoping more nights like those aren't too much further around the corner!! He still sleeps swaddled at night, but during the day he is unswaddled for his naps and sleeps in a "sleep sack"...they are the coolest things! It is basically a sleeveless blanket that goes on over their onesie or gown or whatever they are wearing, and zips up on them and serves as a blanket. That way you don't have to cover them up with anything. It works great for River because he always kicked off any blanket we had on him. I think this weekend we will experiment with letting him sleep in that at night verses being swaddled, and see how that goes.
We took him to the doc on Monday for his 2 month checkup...he weighed 13 lbs 15 oz!!! Bigger than Cody and I had guessed. Apparently Breedlove baby boys are just big...Cody and his brother Matt were big babies, and River's cousin Felix is a big baby, too. We also found out the "dry skin" he had on his scalp, forehead and sides of his face are cradle cap. Apparently it is very common; 50% of all babes get it. So, I have to put hyrdocortisone cream on his face 3 times a day and use anti dandruff shampoo on him, until it goes away. The cream has already really helped his face, and with the shampoo, I think it should all go away in the next few weeks. It isn't harmful or bothersome to the baby at all (the cradle cap) but it just doesn't look great to peel like a lizard on your head and face. : )
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